This coming weekend (April 22-24) I’ll be teaching one of my favorite
classes – Close Quarters Confrontations (CQC).

If you haven’t taken this course you should consider joining us for a truly unique and pertinent addition to your defensive skill set.

A little about the course:

CQC was the first course that Greg Hamilton and I collaborated to design, and in a way it was the driving force behind our early association.

Prior to meeting each other we had independently arrived at the conclusion that there was a critical failure in most fighting systems.

In fact the majority of what are called “fighting systems” are actually based on a single modality of defensive response (i.e. unarmed, knife, handgun, etc.) which means that they are really only optimized to respond to specific types or levels of attacks.

What Greg and I both knew was that a true “fighting system” would be optimized to move fluidly and fluently both up and down the use of force continuum at the pace an actual assault develops. Neither of us were aware of such a system so we set out to develop one.

We can’t teach you everything we know about the topic in a weekend (or even in 3 days) but our Close Quarters Confrontations class is the foundational material of where our system comes together. A merging of unarmed self defense and handgun retention, with close and contact use of a handgun.

Realistic distances and time-frames define the parameters on which we developed this material and course.

Statistics from law enforcement encounters inform us that the most lethal attacks are those that take place from contact distance to about 10 ft. This course will teach you how to win those encounters.

I hope you can join us to learn this critical self-defense material.

I look forward to training with you.

John Holschen