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Gear Store

We've hand-picked the products we like most! Choose from t-shirts and hats to knives and pepper spray. Order securely online and products will be shipped directly to your address.

Pepper Spray

MK-3 Aerosol Pepper Spray

MK-3 Inert Trainer

MK-4 Aerosol Pepper Spray

MK-4 Inert Trainer

MK-6 Aerosol Pepper Spray

MK-6 Inert Trainer


Delica 4 Lightweight

Delica 4 Lightweight

Delica 4 Lightweight

Delica 4 Trainer

Salt 1 - Rust Free! SPY-C88PBK

Salt 1 - Rust Free! SPY-C88SBK

Triangle Sharpmaker




Long Sleeve Green

Long Sleeve-Black

Short Sleeve T-Shirt

Short Sleeve T-Shirt

Short Sleeve T-Shirt

Short Sleeve T-Shirt