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First Aid for Tactical Teams

First Aid for Law Enforcement Tactical Teams focuses on the tactical treatment of wounds common to interpersonal conflict. This course is designed to give you the knowledge and skills necessary to save your life or the life of a fellow officer when injured during law enforcement tactical operations. You will learn: How and why "Care Under Fire" differs from any other medical emergency. How to modify your basic first aid skills to adapt to the realities of interpersonal trauma in an unsecured environment. To quickly and accurately identify and treat life threatening bleeding and airway compromise. How to integrate your tactical first aid skills with tactical medics and EMS personnel. How to prepare a pocket first aid kit that will dramatically increase your treatment capabilities.
You may also register by calling [425] 827.2552 or by email


Law Enforcement or Active Duty Military

Required Equipment:

Duty Gear

Dates & Locations

There are currently no scheduled dates for this course. Please contact us if you would like to schedule or host a class.

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