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General Defensive Handgun

$600 per student

In this class, students learn to use their handgun safely, quickly, and reflexively as is required in close-range high-speed defensive situations, and to understand the legal responsibilities of handgun use.

This course should be considered a minimum for anyone who owns or is considering carrying a handgun for self defense. General Defensive Handgun is also a prerequisite for all higher-level InSights handgun training.

Subjects Covered:
  • Firearms safety as it pertains to self-defense
  • The integrated act of firing: stance, grip, sight alignment, trigger press, follow through
  • Speed reloading, tactical reloading, clearing malfunctions
  • Rapid multiple shots on single targets, rapid engagement of multiple targets
  • Engagement of targets from the ready position, the draw, and the concealed draw
  • The proper tactical response to single or multiple opponent situations
  • Legalities concerning the use of deadly force (both criminal and civil), interactions with law-enforcement
  • Handgun types and modifications
  • Ballistics and ammunition selection as it pertains to the handgun
  • Holster selection, accessories
If you do not have a concealed weapons permit, here is a link to the WSP background check service. If you are not a WA resident, please find your state's equivalent service.
You may also register by calling [425] 827.2552 or by email


CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT or documentation of good character AND BRING THOSE DOCUMENTS WITH YOU TO CLASS. If you do not have a concealed weapons permit, here is a link to the WSP background check service. If you are not a WA resident, please find your state's equivalent service. You must be totally familiar and comfortable with your handgun. If you have never shot before or wonder how your gun works we recommend our Basic Handgun Safety and Responsibility class.

Required Equipment:

Reliable, functional semi-automatic handgun; Belt holster (rigid) with sturdy belt; pants with belt loops; 600 rounds of brass-cased, FMJ ammunition (minimum); minimum of 2 magazines and a magazine pouch; Concealment clothing; Hearing and eye protection

Dates & Locations

Bellevue, WA
February 15 - 16, 2025
Sold Out
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
March 8 - 09, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
April 5 - 06, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
May 3 - 04, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
June 7 - 08, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
July 12 - 13, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
August 9 - 10, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
September 6 - 07, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
October 4 - 05, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
November 8 - 09, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
December 13 - 14, 2025
Time: 8am - 6pm
Instructor: InSights Staff
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Student Testimonials

I have had three classes now; Utah CFP, General Defensive Handgun, and Close Quarters Confrontations. Each had a different instructor, but each one was well versed in his subject. What keeps bringing me back is the professionalism of the instructors. I particularly appreciate their emphasis on your personal responsibility if you choose to carry a weapon. After each course, I feel as if I have learned things that I should have already known. And the techniques are taught in a way that makes them easy to incorporate in your life. Of special mention is John Holschen, the instructor for CQC. He has adopted his vast knowledge of self defense to a few simple moves that can be learned by novices, but seem quite useful for anyone of any skill level. And his patient, methodical instruction is very effective. It has been many years since I had instruction in handguns and self defense. These courses were great. And the next one on the schedule is Intensive Handgun Skills.    ~ Leon Robert, Bellevue, WA
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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of gun should I bring?
We suggest bringing a handgun that is full size (similar to Glock 17) or compact size (similar to Glock 19).

Can I bring a small gun, such as S&W Shield, Ruger LCP or similar?
We do not recommend small guns for this class. Smaller, sub-compact guns are often not as reliable and are more difficult to manipulate. Also the magazines hold less ammunition. So your training time will be more frustrating and less productive.  

What holster should I bring?
Strong-side belt holsters only – no appendix rigs, drop-leg rigs, shoulder holsters, etc. And your holster should be made for your exact model of gun. We recommend the Kramer IWB#3 horsehide holster (with screws not snaps on the belt loops) or the Kramer Belt Scabbard horsehide holster. Also acceptable are Kydex belt holsters such as the Tenicor ARX, or Blade-Tech. No Blackhawk Serpa or similar holsters allowed (retention release too near the trigger). Holsters must be rigid and stay open when the gun is not in them -- no collapsible holsters. No retention devices are required or recommended. Also, you must wear pants that have belt loops.

What belt and mag pouch should I bring?
Bring a gun belt such as the Kramer horsehide belt -- 1.25" or 1.5" works well. Kramer horsehide mag pouches are also recommended. Kydex mag pouches are acceptable. No collapsible mag pouches -- they should be rigid like the holsters and stay open when the mag is not in them.