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Tactical Patrol Rifle Operations in Low Light

This two-day course is designed to teach officers to effectively and efficiently use their patrol rifles during critical incidents in low-light or limited visibility environments.

The course will utilize classroom, live-fire, and scenario-based training evolutions to practice and validate all techniques and tactics taught.

  • Topics Covered:
  • Use of weapon-mounted lights,
  • Use of the rifle with hand held lights
  • Manipulations—reloads and malfunctions
  • Rapid engagement of single targets and multiple targets
  • Use of cover and concealment
  • Team Tactics—interior and exte-rior operations
  • Firearms safety
  • Equipment recommendations
You may also register by calling [425] 827.2552 or by email

Required Equipment:

Equipment Required: Patrol rifle with weaponmounted light and sling 3 magazines and ability to carry them (i.e. belt pouch, harness,plate carrier) Body armor Hand held flashlight Extra batteries 750 rounds rifle ammo 100 rounds pistol ammo Duty belt and holster Simunition weapon and 100 rounds of ammo

Dates & Locations

There are currently no scheduled dates for this course. Please contact us if you would like to schedule or host a class.

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