LE Defensive Folding KnifeThis course will teach the officer to escape from Deadly Force grappling situations and to retain their gun in situations that would otherwise be impossible. One day of defensive knife training will allow you to be victorious over an opponent with years of street fighting, martial arts, or wrestling training.The folding Clip-It style pocketknife is a superb rescue and escape tool and an excellent companion to pepper spray and your handgun. In this informative and action packed one day course you will learn to deploy and use your self-defense knife with great skill. The course will cover such subjects as: Safety considerations during training and during lethal encounters, equipment selection, carry techniques, rapid deployment from carry positions, grip of the knife, vital and nonvital points of the anatomy, basic counterattacks, counterattack combinations, escapes from holds, defenses when downed, ground fighting and grappling with the knife. Officers will be ale to conduct handgun retention from an attack on a holstered gun, both standing and on the ground. Officers will use special training knives to escape from full-force deadly force assaults. This course integrates defensive knife skills with your defensive handgun skills, so wear your duty gear (inert guns will be provided, bring your own if you have one). Highly suggested for Patrol Officers, Plain Clothes and Undercover Officers, as well as Defensive Tactics Instructors and Firearms Instructors. |
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