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LE Tactical Handgun

The intent of the course is to teach the officer to use their handgun safely, quickly and reflexively as is required in close-range high-speed defensive situations and to understand the legal responsibilities of its use.

This course will upgrade any officers ability to shoot fast and accurate, to score better in qualifications, and most importantly to increase their ability to handle a deadly force confrontation.

Subjects covered: Firearms safety as it pertains to self-defense. The basics of firing, stance, grip, sight alignment, trigger press, speed reloading, tactical reloading, stoppage drills, rapid multiple shots on single targets, rapid engagement of multiple targets, engagement of targets from the ready position, the draw and the concealed draw, and the proper tactical response to single or multiple opponent situations. Lectures include: legalities concerning the use of deadly force (both criminal and civil) interactions with law-enforcement, handgun types and modifications, ballistics and ammunition selection as it pertains to the handgun, off duty holster selection and accessories.

See the basics taught to a depth not seen before. Learn to truly master handgun shooting.

You may also register by calling [425] 827.2552 or by email



Required Equipment:

Duty handgun, Duty holster gear or concealment gear, 800 rounds of jacketed ammunition (minimum), 3 magazines or speed loaders, Hearing and eye protection

Dates & Locations

There are currently no scheduled dates for this course. Please contact us if you would like to schedule or host a class.

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